AFFORDABLE price or mortgage

The way our program works is very simple. The listed prices you see are for the construction of the new home or building ONLY. These prices do not include land, permits, or other soft cost.

The reason is that these items vary based on geographic location. Also, in many instances the customers have these items already addressed. For example, many property owners which have land simply want the home or building constructed, and do not need to purchase land. However, if you or your family need land for your home, we can offer a bundle package which includes all cost from land to permits, and other soft cost. All this will be included in one AFFORDABLE price or mortgage.

Land Costs

Land is very price sensitive based on where a person chooses to live and the size of the lot. We can have members of our team identify land for you and your family directly in or near the neighborhood you would like your new affordable home built. In some instances, we may already have land lots in the area you would like to live in and we can offer you an affordable home in that area at an affordable price or mortgage.

If you own land…

When signing up for your new affordable home or building, on the application in the section marked “land”, please tell us if you own land currently and where you want your new home or building to constructed. Please give the address including the zip code.

If you do not own land…

If you do not own land, simply tell us what city/town and state you would like your new affordable home or building to be in. This will allow our team to begin working on your project by finding the land you want for your new affordable home or building.

Hard Cost & Soft cost + Land Cost = Total Project Price.

Hard cost are costs that are directly related to construction like building supplies and labor. This is included in our listed prices. Soft cost are cost that are indirectly related to construction such as architecture, engineering, permitting, etc. Soft costs prices are sensitive to the city, county, or township you wish to have your home built. Generally speaking, soft cost are usually about an additional 15% of the construction cost. For example, if your new affordable home hard cost is $100,000, then the soft cost would be about $15,000 totaling about $115,000. If you need land, add the land price, and this will give you a picture of the general cost of your new affordable home. If your land cost is $40,000 then the general total is $165,000. Therefore, at a 30 year fixed mortgage at 2.9%, that will come to a monthly mortgage payment of about $700 per month.