3D Printed Homes Are The Future Of Construction! 3D Printed Home
Prices start at $150,000*
Home sizes start at 1,000 sqft
Affordable mortgage starting around $650 per month.**
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Elegant interior and exterior designed living spaces
Tiny Luxury Home
Prices start at $250,000*
Home sizes start at 1,200 sqft
Affordable mortgage starting around $1,100 per month.** Learn More
We Offer 8 Different Types / Styles of Affordable Homes
3D Printed Homes
Tiny Homes
Luxury Tiny Homes
Dwelling Units / Granny Flats
Work From Home / Home Office
Affordable Smart Homes
*This is the cost of construction for the home only. This does not include soft costs like permits, architecture, engineering, etc. This does not include the land costs. This is just the hard cost of constructing the home only.
**These are suggested starting mortgage rates for our affordable homes. This is based on the cost of constructing the home only. This affordable mortgage price is based near a 2.9% per annum interest rate at a 30 year fixed mortgage rate. No other cost are included in this mortgage.
These prices are based on the construction costs of the home only. For some customers who own their own land, they simply just need the home to be constructed. Our website focuses on quoting the cost of building the home excluding the land cost and other soft costs such as permits, architecture, and engineering. Considering land values vary nationally and internationally, and permitting, architectural, and engineering cost vary by township, we can only focus on the hard construction cost of building the home via this website. However, if you need land for your affordable home, our staff can help secure land for you. This is a separate cost and we can help arrange financing for both the home and the land so that all cost are included in one complete price. We can include the cost of land, construction, permits, architects, and engineering all in one price.
For example, a 3D printed home may be projected at about $150,000 for the construction costs, which is a monthly mortgage payment projected to be at about $650 per month with a fixed mortgage rate for 30 years. By adding the the land purchase, which may be projected at about $25,000 and architects, permits, and engineering costs which may be projected at about $15,000, this is a projected total of about $190,000 which is a monthly mortgage payment projected to be at about $800 per month with a fixed mortgage rate for 30 years.
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